What is a DID?
A Direct Inward Dialing (DID) number is a unique phone number assigned to your 3CX extension, allowing external callers to reach you directly without going through a receptionist or IVR system. It acts like a direct phone line within your organization’s VoIP system, streamlining communication and improving accessibility. Businesses use DIDs to provide employees with personalized contact numbers while maintaining a centralized phone system. Knowing your DID can be useful for sharing your direct contact with clients and colleagues, ensuring seamless communication.
How to find your assigned DID in 3CX
The web portal lets you easily find the direct inward dial (DID) number assigned to your extension with two clicks.
- In the 3CX portal, click your profile picture.
- In the 3CX portal, click your profile picture.
- The direct inward dial (DID) number assigned to your extension is located under the Account Details ‘Your DID number(s)’ section.
Can My 3CX Extension Have Multiple DIDs Assigned?
In 3CX, your extension can be assigned multiple Direct Inward Dialing (DID) numbers, allowing you to receive calls from different numbers on the same phone. This is useful for businesses that need: